Top Medications for Erectile Dysfunction in Memphis

Erectile dysfunction also referred to as impotence, is one of the most common problems affecting millions of men in various countries. This has resulted in poor sex performances and hence, a feeling of low self-esteem. Men with erectile dysfunction will tend to have reduced sexual desire or low libido. This may highly disappoint your partner, and you may end up breaking up with them since you are not able to quench their sexual pleasures.
There is a great need to find an appropriate treatment to fix such disorders. You need to go through some tests to help the doctor identify the cause of the problem and hence, find a proper treatment for erectile dysfunction disorder.
Many patients with ED in Memphis take the following tests:
- Physical body examination-this entails a physical examination of your penis and trying to identify any abnormalities, nerves, sensory effects and if stimulation abilities of your testicles.
- Blood tests- your blood will also be tested to detect any signs of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and low testosterone hormones, among other health conditions that may cause erectile disorders.
- Urinalysis tests- this is a similar test to the blood test meant to find any signs of diabetes or other health conditions that may cause erection disorders.
- Ultrasound- ultrasound tests are meant to display an image or videos showing the flow of blood in the penis, and if there are any problems in the nerves connecting to the penis and the testicles. A device is usually held over the blood vessels for clear displaying on the blood flow. At times doctors may give you a dosage that would quickly stimulate the blood flow, making you erect.
- Psychological tests- these are simple questions to help identify any symptoms of depression, stress, and other psychological effects that may result in erectile disorders.
RejuvaWave Pulse Therapy
What is RejuvWave Pulse Therapy?
This is an erectile dysfunction treatment that uses pulse sound waves to improve the flow of blood in the penis hence triggering the penis to erect. Unlike other libido enhancement treatments, this is a painless treatment that does not require any surgery procedures, tablet insertions, or any injections.
RejuvaWave Pulse is one of the most recent and highly recommended treatments for men struggling with erectile dysfunction disorders. This therapy is quite different from the other erectile treatment since it involves the use of pulse sound waves to exert energy in the penis tissues to trigger an erection. Sometimes the erectile dysfunction may result from clogged blood vessels, and therefore this RejuvaWave Pulse therapy is meant to break the plagues blocking the blood vessels allowing smooth flow of blood hence stimulating the penis erection. The RejuvaWave Pulse therapy has a success rate of 80% and is proved to help in penis rejuvenation, rehabilitation and regeneration as well if you experienced some damaged tissues.
How does it work?
Benefits of RejuvaWave Pulse therapy:
- There are quite some benefits associated with this treatment some of which includes;
- Enhanced sensations are hence stimulating harder erections.
- The therapy is proved to increase the length and the girth of the penis and as a result, improving the sexual performances.
- The therapy has an 80% success rate of allowing spontaneous erections, which would enable you to enjoy sex for a longer duration probably an hour.
- The therapy is also recommended for giving better orgasms.
How RejuvaWave Pulse Therapy Influences Ejaculations
As men get older, their penis tends to contract, reduces in size and clog up with plagues, which as a result, reduces the flow of blood in the testicles and the penile. The clogged up blood vessels may even result in heart diseases and hence the need for this RejuvaWave Pulse therapy to improve the flow of blood in the penis. The therapy triggers the nerves, thus breaking up the plagues to provide a continuous flow of blood. The pulse therapy also helps in the growth of new blood vessels. With these regenerations, penis erection is triggered hence influencing ejaculations.
Erectile dysfunction is a major problem that most men are battling with. The condition can disappoint their partners and even lead to divorces. There is thus a need to find appropriate treatments for such conditions. RejuvaWave Pulse therapy is, therefore, a recommended treatment you may consider to trigger penis erection during sex.
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8:00am - 12:00pm
12:30pm - 4:30pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
12:30pm - 4:30pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
12:30pm - 4:30pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday & Sunday

Wellness One Memphis, PC
6100 Primacy Parkway #112
Memphis, TN 38119
(901) 682-5335